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Tired of feeling overwhelmed by the endless flow of emails in your inbox, with no effective way to manage them?

BeC can help you get organized and save time

Welcome to the new era of email management!

Experience the power of BeC

The first 30 days are free

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Say goodbye to post-vacation email overwhelm

Are you back to the office and overwhelmed by a sea of unread emails? We understand how stressful it can be.

Statistics confirm that an average person receives around 120 work-related emails per day! So, when you return from your vacation, you'll have a lot to catch up on...

It would be enough to act on priority, dealing with important emails first. But to do that, you have to manually identify and read them, right?

What if there was a better way? 😉


The solution for those who have multiple email accounts to manage

It's not easy to keep emails from newsletters, advertising, and various spam separate from the truly important ones.

In many cases, people resort to creating multiple accounts to separate the different types of communication. It has been proven that on average, a person owns 2 email accounts, and the number is expected to increase.

The solution? No more multiple accounts, and let priorities take the lead! 😃


So many notifications!

Whether at work or in other situations, every incoming email triggers a notification, be it a sound or vibration on your smartphone.

Studies show that we get distracted on average, once every 15 minutes, even for an unimportant email, and it takes up to 6 times longer to refocus!

Silencing it may seem like a solution, but then you risk missing out on important communications.

The ideal solution would be to only receive notifications for emails deemed important.
And now you can! 😎


Reclaim your time! Let BeC handle your emails.

BeC is the only service in the world that automatically classifies and organizes your emails based on their priority and notifies you only of the ones that are truly important to you.


Organize by priority

BeC introduces for the first time in the world automatic organization by priority.

You will immediately understand which emails require your immediate attention. And you can choose to read less important ones at a later time. Your time is precious!

Similarly, you no longer need 2, 3, or 4 accounts to separate important emails from advertisements. The prioritization allows you to find the needle in the haystack!

No more folders or filters based on static rules. BeC automatically creates a priority scale in your email inbox, depending on the number and order you choose.

Every new email you receive will be processed, classified, and automatically associated with a specific priority. Email classification is derived based on your characteristics and habits, with no fixed rules or filters to configure.

All you have to do is choose the number of priorities. BeC takes care of the rest!


Important notifications only

With BeC's automatic organization by priority, you'll only receive personalized notifications for the emails that matter most to you.

Choose which devices and priority levels you want to be notified for, and say goodbye to interruptions when you're in the middle of an important task.

BeC will only notify you when an email truly deserves your attention.

No more bills, shipping notifications, or favorite newsletters missed.
BeC will ensure you never miss an important email again.

Plus, if you have multiple devices, you can set up notifications for each one independently to avoid duplicate alerts and keep work and personal emails separate.

Say goodbye to the outdated on/off notification system.
Not all emails are created equal, so why should their notifications be?

Keyword: Integration


We didn't want to develop yet another app to install and learn.
We wanted all the benefits of automatic classification and organization without changing email accounts or email clients.
That's why we decided to develop a Service.

BeC is not another email management tool.
BeC is a service that integrates directly with your email provider and email client!

It supports all major providers and no configuration parameters are necessary.
BeC automatically detects your provider based on the email address you're adding.

And it doesn't matter what language you receive emails in, BeC supports all the most spoken languages in the world!
Arabic, Chinese, French, English, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, German.


Other features of BeC

We couldn't include all of BeC's unique features on this page. So we've highlighted what matters most.


On the ball

Your priorities today may not be the same as tomorrow. That's why BeC works together with you and continuously updates based on your choices. Have you changed jobs? BeC recognizes your new priorities and starts labeling your emails based on your new work needs. With BeC, you're always ahead of the game.



We know how crucial it is for you to keep your emails out of the wrong hands. With BeC, your emails are managed in real-time, never saved, and your privacy is secure. Plus, BeC utilizes the best cloud technologies to ensure the safety of your data.


No waiting around

Transform your inbox in just two minutes. Setting up BeC is quick and easy, and you'll immediately notice a difference. Simply choose the number of priority levels you want, and BeC will automatically sort and label all incoming emails for you.


Here's what users think, at work and at home

BeC in action

What better way to show you how it works than in a video.
See for yourself how BeC transforms your inbox and simplifies your email management


BeC's Partners

A quality Service is the result of top technologies and expertise


Prizes and awards

Even the Institutions recognize the value of BeC


The Statistics of BeC

An orderly and automatic email management guarantees, both in the workplace and in private,
an increase in quality, efficiency, and effectiveness, saving time and reducing stress.

+ millions

Emails processed

+ %

Notifications avoided

+ %

in classification

BeC in the News

How to activate BeC?

We wanted to create something simple for everyone, without requiring any complicated configuration.
So we made BeC activatable in just 3 steps.
  • 1

    Sign up

    First, sign up for BeC. Create your account by following the guided procedure, entering your information, and choosing the profile that best suits your needs.

  • 2

    Add your emails

    Now let BeC know which email account you want it to manage for you. Simply log in to your private area with the newly created account and add your email address to BeC. Wait a few minutes for BeC to complete its configuration and it will be ready to start organizing your emails.

  • 3

    Set up notifications

    Download the BeC app for your smartphone: from there, you can choose which priorities you want to receive notifications for. Additionally, you can view a few statistics related to your email inbox.

  • Done!

    The configuration process is complete and you will find the folders created by BeC, such as BeC-P1, BeC-P2, and so on, in your email inbox. BeC is now working to prioritize and organize your new emails and notify you only for the ones you have chosen!


Experience the power of BeC

Make the email experience smarter and more efficient with BeC. Try it today and discover a new dimension in managing your communications.

✅ Smart Priority
BeC learns from your interests to highlight the most important and relevant emails
✅ No waste of time
Forget spam and irrelevant emails, focus only on what really matters
✅ Account Integration
Add friends, relatives or employees in one subscription, ensuring a smooth connection
Try it FREE for 30 days